Random Bit Generation with Full Entropy and Configurable Prediction Resistance in a Node.js Application

This is the fourth and last post of a series describing a proof-of-concept web app that implements cryptographic authentication using Node.js with a MongoDB back-end. Part 1 described the login process. Part 2 described the registration process. Part 3 described login session maintenance. The proof-of-concept app, called app-mongodb.js, or simply app-mongodb, can be found in a zip file downloadable from the cryptographic authentication page.

In app-mongodb, random bits are used on the server side for generating registration and login challenges to be signed by the browser, and for generating login session IDs. On the client side, they are used for generating key pairs and computing randomized signatures on server challenges.

In quest of full entropy

There are established methods for obtaining random bits to be used in web apps. On the client side, random bits can be obtained from crypto.getRandomValues, which is part of the W3C Web Crypto API. On the server side, /dev/urandom can be used in Linux, MacOS and most flavors of Unix. However, neither of these methods guarantees full entropy.

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