Pomcor Granted Patent on How to Implement a PKI on a Blockchain

Pomcor has just been granted US Patent 10,764,067, “Operation of a Certificate Authority on a Distributed Ledger”. A distributed ledger is a database replicated across of set of nodes and populated by transactions issued by the nodes. A distributed consensus algorithm is used to achieve consensus among the nodes on the order of the ledger transactions. A blockchain is a distributed ledger in which ledger transactions are grouped into blocks, and consensus on the ordering of the ledger transactions is based on consensus on the validity and ordering of the blocks.

Some distributed ledgers, e.g. the Ethereum blockchain, provide on-ledger storage by allowing a ledger transaction to contain an instruction to store data in an abstract ledger store identified by a ledger address. As ledger transactions including such instructions are propagated to the nodes of the ledger through the peer-to-peer protocol each node executes the instruction locally, on a local replica of the abstract ledger store that is part of the node’s local replica of the ledger state.

A public key infrastructure is a system for issuing, revoking and validating public key certificates, implemented by a hierarchy of certificate authorities (CAs). The storage replication functionality provided by a distributed ledger with on-ledger storage can greatly simplify the implementation of a PKI.

I do not advocate setting up a blockchain or other distributed ledger just for the purpose of implementing a PKI. But if a distributed ledger has already been set up or is being set up for some other purpose, it can be opportunistically used to implement a PKI, or to simplify the operation of an existing PKI.

I also do not advocate storing or transmitting certificates on the blockchain. That would be a bad idea for privacy reasons, and there is no need to do so. A CA operating on a distributed ledger can issue any kind of certificates, including certificates whose subject is a machine, such as a web server or an IoT device, and certificates whose subject is a person. Each kind of certificate can be stored together with the corresponding private key in any kind of secure storage customarily used for that kind of certificate. In a presentation at ICMC 2017 I explained how JavaScript Web APIs can be used to store personal cryptographic credentials in the browser.

Here is a summary of how a PKI can be implemented on a distributed ledger; details can be found in the patent. A subject requests a certificate as usual by submitting a certificate signing request (CSR). The CA creates a certificate and transmits it to the subject, without ledger involvement in the transmission; there is no need for the subject to have access to the ledger. But the CA also issues an issuance transaction on the ledger with an instruction to store a cryptographic hash of the certificate in a certificate issuance store controlled by the CA; and when the certificate needs to be revoked, it issues a revocation transaction on the ledger with an instruction to store the serial number of the certificate in a certificate revocation store also controlled by the CA. As those transactions propagate throughout the ledger, the instructions are executed by all the nodes in their local replicas of the stores.

This greatly simplifies the process of verifying that a certificate is valid.

Instead of verifying the signature on the certificate, the verifier can just check that the hash of the certificate is present in the certificate issuance store controlled by the CA that has issued the certificate. In fact, the signature can be omitted from the certificate if all verifiers have access to the ledger, substantially reducing the size of the certificate and thus the bandwidth and latency cost of presenting the certificate.

And the verifier can check that the certificate has not been revoked simply by checking that its serial number is not present in the certificate revocation store controlled the CA. This obviates the need for the CA to provide a highly available Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) server and/or a regularly updated Certificate Revocation List (CRL); and for the verifier to query the OCSP server or maintain a local copy of the CRL by periodically retrieving signed updates.

Identity Verification: A Coronavirus Challenge to the Financial World

Updated April 1st, 2020

This blog post has been coauthored with Karen Lewison

The coronavirus pandemic is causing unprecedented disruption throughout the business world. Businesses that are not able to cope with public health orders and new customer behaviors are going out of business, while businesses that are able to adapt are thriving and expanding their market share. Disruption will be temporary in sectors of the economy where face-to-face interaction adds value to the business-to-customer relationship and a physical presence on the street is an essential requirement of the business model; gyms, bars and conference centers will no doubt reopen once the pandemic has been controlled. But changes brought by the pandemic will be permanent in sectors of the economy where face-to-face interaction adds no value and a physical presence is a legacy of a traditional business model. One of those sectors is the financial world.

A challenge to financial institutions

Financial institutions have been less impacted than other businesses by the pandemic. In the US, the entire financial sector has been declared critical infrastructure by DHS and is thus protected against closure orders by states or counties. And most financial transactions are now conducted online using web browsers or mobile apps, without face-to-face interactions that would put employees and customers at risk of contagion. Nevertheless, coronavirus poses a challenge to financial institutions: how to verify the identity of new customers.

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Pomcor Granted Patent on Rich Credentials

Pomcor has been granted US Patent 10,567,377, Multifactor Privacy-Enhanced Remote Identification Using a Rich Credential. Karen Lewison is the lead inventor and I am a coinventor. Pomcor has so far been granted a total of eight patents, two of which we have sold. The remaining six patents that we own are listed in the Patents page of this web site.

This latest patent is special because it provides a solution to a major societal problem: how to identify people over the Internet with strong security. Techniques are available for authenticating repeat visitors to a web site or current users of a web application. But authentication techniques are only applicable once a relationship has been established. They are not applicable when somebody wants to establish a new relationship, e.g. by becoming a new customer of a bank, or signing up with a robo advisor, or applying for a mortgage, or renting an apartment, or switching to a different car insurance.

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A New Tool Against the Surge of Application Fraud

This blog post has been coauthored with Karen Lewison

In recent posts we have been concerned with online credit card fraud and how to fight it using cardholder authentication. In this post we are concerned with another kind of financial fraud, known as application fraud or new account fraud. Both kinds of fraud have been rising after the introduction of chip cards, for reasons mentioned by Elizabeth Lasher in her article The Surge of Application Fraud:

“Due to the high volume of data breaches, Social Security numbers, mailing addresses, passwords, health history, even the name of our first pet is all for sale on the Dark Web. When you combine this phenomenon with the economic pressure applied on fraudsters to find a new cash cow after chip and signature plugged a gap in card-present fraud in the US, there is a perfect storm.”

The term “application fraud” refers to the creation of a financial account, such as a bank account or a mortgage account, with the intention to commit fraud. Application fraud can be first-party fraud, where the account is opened under the fraudster’s own identity, or third-party fraud, where the fraudster uses a stolen identity. Here we are primarily concerned with the latter.

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PSD2 Is In Trouble: Will It Survive?

This blog post has been coauthored with Karen Lewison

The 2nd Payment Services Directive (PSD2) of the European Union went into effect on September 14, but one of its most prominent provisions, the Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) requirement, was postponed until December 31, 2020 by an opinion dated 16 October 2019 of the European Banking Authority (EBA). The EBA cited pushback from the National Competent Authorities (NCAs) of the EU member countries as the reason for the postponement, and the fact that version 2 of the 3-D Secure protocol (3-D Secure 2) is not ready as a reason for the pushback.

PSD2 is supposed to be technology neutral, but the EBA has unequivocally endorsed 3-D Secure as the way to implement the SCA requirement for online credit card transactions, as stated in another opinion, dated 21 June 2019:

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Online Cardholder Authentication without Accessing the Card Issuer’s Site

One of the saddest failings of Internet technology is the lack of security for online credit card transactions. In in-store transactions, the cardholder authenticates by presenting the card, and card counterfeiting has been made much more difficult by the addition of a chip to the card. But in online transactions, the cardholder is still authenticated by his or her knowledge of credit card and cardholder data, a weak secret known by many.

Credit card networks have been trying to provide security for online transactions for a long time. In the nineties they proposed a complicated cryptographic protocol called SET (Secure Electronic Transactions) that was never deployed. Then they came up with a simpler protocol called 3-D Secure, where the merchant redirects the cardholder’ browser to the issuing bank, which asks the cardholder to authenticate with a password. 3-D Secure is rarely used in the US and unevenly used in other countries, due to the friction that it causes and the risk of transaction abandonment; lately some issuers have been asking for a second authentication factor, adding more friction. Now the networks have come up with version 2 of 3-D Secure, which removes friction for low risk transactions by introducing a “frictionless flow”. But the frictionless flow does not authenticate the cardholder. Instead, the merchant sends device and cardholder data to the issuer through a back channel, potentially violating the cardholder’s privacy.

Last August we wrote a blog post and a paper proposing a scheme for authenticating the cardholder without friction using a cryptographic payment credential consisting of a public key certificate and the associated private key. We have recently written a revised version of the paper with major improvements to the scheme. The paper will be presented next month at HCII 2019 in Orlando.

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A Formal Proof of Omission-Tolerant Integrity Protection

This is the fourth and last part of a series on omission-tolerant integrity protection and related topics. See also part 1, part 2, and part 3. A technical report on the topic is available on this site and in the IACR ePrint Archive.

In part 3 we saw how the system parameterization concept introduced by Boneh and Shoup in their Graduate Course in Applied Cryptography makes it possible to provide a formal definition of collision resistance for keyless hash functions. In this last post I will explain how that definition, and the security and system parameters used in the definition, are used in the proof of Theorem 3 of the technical report, which states that the root label of a typed hash tree can serve as an omission-tolerant checksum of an encoding of a set of key-value pairs.

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Mapping a Formal Definition of Collision Resistance to Existing Implementations of Hash Functions

This is part 3 of a series on omission-tolerant integrity protection and related topics. See also part 1 and part 2. A technical report on the topic is available on this site and in the IACR ePrint Archive.

When a cryptographic hash is used as a checksum of a bit string, security depends on the collision resistance of the hash function. When the root label of a typed hash tree is used as an omission-tolerant checksum of a set of key-value pairs, security also depends on the collision resistance of a hash function, in this case of the hash function that is used to construct the typed hash tree. (It may also depend on the preimage resistance of the hash function depending on how the set is encoded, as we shall see in another post of this series.) The formal proof of security in the technical report is therefore based on a formal definition of collision resistance. But, surprising as this may seem, there is no standard, widely used, formal definition of collision resistance for the keyless, or unkeyed hash functions such as SHA256 that are used in practice.

Collision resistance is hard to define

The concept of a hash function collision is simple and clear enough: it is a pair of distinct elements of the domain of the hash function that have the same image. The concept of collision resistance, on the other hand, is difficult to define. The reason for this, as explained for example by Katz and Lindell in their Introduction to Modern Cryptography (Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2nd edition, 2014, bottom of page 155), is that collisions exist, and for any collision there exists a trivial algorithm that hardcodes the collision and outputs it in constant time.

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Using an Omission-Tolerant Checksum for Selective Disclosure of Attributes Asserted by a Public Key Certificate

This is part 2 of a series on omission-tolerant integrity protection and related topics. A technical report on the topic is available on this site and in the IACR ePrint Archive.

The first post of this series introduced a new technical report that describes the concept of an omission-tolerant checksum in a broader context than the rich credentials paper and includes a formal proof of security in an asymptotic security setting. In this post I give an example showing how an omission-tolerant checksum implemented using a typed hash tree can provide selective disclosure of attributes asserted by a public key certificate.

Typed hash trees vs. Merkle trees

A typed hash tree is a hash tree where every node has a type in addition to a label, and the label of an internal node is a cryptographic hash of an encoding of the types and labels of its children. A distinguished type is assigned to all the internal nodes, and may also be assigned to some of the leaf nodes.

Hash trees were first proposed by Merkle. In a Merkle tree, each internal node is labeled by a hash of the concatenation of the labels of its children, and each leaf node is labeled by a hash of a data block. In both a typed hash tree and a Merkle tree, a subtree can be pruned without modifying the root label of the tree. (By “pruning a subtree” we mean removing the descendants of an internal node.) But in the case of a Merkle tree this is a “bug” to be mitigated if the tree is to provide integrity protection, while in the case of a typed hash tree it is a “feature” that allows the root label of the tree to be used as an omission-tolerant checksum.

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An Omission-Tolerant Cryptographic Checksum

This is part 1 of a series on omission-tolerant integrity protection and related topics. A technical report on the topic is available on this site and in the IACR ePrint Archive.

Broadly speaking, an omission-tolerant cryptographic checksum is a checksum on data that does not change when items are removed from the data but makes it infeasible for an adversary to modify the data in other ways without invalidating the checksum.

We discovered the concept of omission-tolerant integrity protection while working on rich credentials. A rich credential includes subject attributes and verification data stored in a typed hash tree. We noted in an interim report that the root label of the tree could be viewed as an “omission-tolerant cryptographic checksum”. Prof. Phil Windley, who read the report, told us that he had not seen the concept before, and asked if we had invented it. We then added a section on typed hash trees and omission-tolerant integrity protection to the final report.

We’ve now written a new technical report that discusses omission-tolerant checksums and omission-tolerant integrity protection in a broader context than rich credentials. The main contributions of the new paper are a formal definition of omission-tolerant integrity protection, a method of computing an omission-tolerant checksum on a bit-string encoding of a set of key-value pairs, and a formal proof of security in an asymptotic security setting that uses the system parameterization concept introduced by Boneh and Shoup in their online book.

I have not said much in this blog about omission-tolerant integrity protection, and there is a lot to say: how an omission-tolerant checksum can be used to implement selective disclosure of subject attributes in public key certificates; how public key certificates with selective disclosure could easily provide security and privacy for client authentication in TLS; what’s special about Boneh and Shoup’s system parameterization concept and how we use it in our definitions and proofs; how can a typed hash tree provide omission-tolerant integrity protection whereas a Merkle tree cannot; and a number of narrower but no less interesting topics. This is the first of a series of posts on these topics.