An Omission-Tolerant Cryptographic Checksum

This is part 1 of a series on omission-tolerant integrity protection and related topics. A technical report on the topic is available on this site and in the IACR ePrint Archive.

Broadly speaking, an omission-tolerant cryptographic checksum is a checksum on data that does not change when items are removed from the data but makes it infeasible for an adversary to modify the data in other ways without invalidating the checksum.

We discovered the concept of omission-tolerant integrity protection while working on rich credentials. A rich credential includes subject attributes and verification data stored in a typed hash tree. We noted in an interim report that the root label of the tree could be viewed as an “omission-tolerant cryptographic checksum”. Prof. Phil Windley, who read the report, told us that he had not seen the concept before, and asked if we had invented it. We then added a section on typed hash trees and omission-tolerant integrity protection to the final report.

We’ve now written a new technical report that discusses omission-tolerant checksums and omission-tolerant integrity protection in a broader context than rich credentials. The main contributions of the new paper are a formal definition of omission-tolerant integrity protection, a method of computing an omission-tolerant checksum on a bit-string encoding of a set of key-value pairs, and a formal proof of security in an asymptotic security setting that uses the system parameterization concept introduced by Boneh and Shoup in their online book.

I have not said much in this blog about omission-tolerant integrity protection, and there is a lot to say: how an omission-tolerant checksum can be used to implement selective disclosure of subject attributes in public key certificates; how public key certificates with selective disclosure could easily provide security and privacy for client authentication in TLS; what’s special about Boneh and Shoup’s system parameterization concept and how we use it in our definitions and proofs; how can a typed hash tree provide omission-tolerant integrity protection whereas a Merkle tree cannot; and a number of narrower but no less interesting topics. This is the first of a series of posts on these topics.