Archived Beta Versions of PJCL

[[ The beta versions of PJCL are now deprecated and no longer being maintained. Use version 1.0.0 or later instead, available on GitHub at ]]

PJCL is a cryptographic library written in JavaScript, currently in beta test, available free of charge under the terms of its license. The initial public release, version 0.9.0, provided digital signature funcionality. A second release, version 0.9.1, added key agreement and key derivation. Revision of those two releases have made minor changes as indicated below and described in their documentations. Additional functionality including encryption will be provided in forthcoming releases.

Please see the documentation of the latest release and the blog posts listed below for additional information.

Blog posts related to PJCL:

A demo of cryptographic authentication for a Node.js web application using PJCL on client and server was made at IIW 26. The following zip archive contains the code for the demo and two flyers summarizing how registration and authentication are implemented. Errata: The code has been updated after the demo to fix bugs. Latest update: May 28, 2018.

Blog posts related to the cryptographic authentication demo:

The IIW demo app emulated the back-end database using JavaScript objects. A more substantial proof of concept of cryptographic authentication that uses a MongoDB database can now be found in the cryptographic authentication page.